How do I make it happen
/time travel
space travel
space time travel
how do we make it happen
time travel
space travel
space time travel
how do we make it happen
I could almost see you.x.
Most mornings I run with this wild. Sometimes I run to exhaust it all, all parts of Me.
When I see My desire hanging in the limbs of the Ironbarks and I feel My fear buried in the ground that wildflowers break from, the knowing comes that when I run back to reality for the rest of the day, I neither stay, nor leave the forest…
i am becoming this.
Perhaps my lips pressed too frequent the wine glass this evening and I asked the ceiling a question in which he replied- I’m here to keep the sky away.
I shivered as I returned…
You pulled together the threads of the suns rays again.
Stop returning me only to disappear once more.
The start of my story always begins with the finish.
New work.
These two, my everyday, growing up, still within sight, only just…
so blue
1:58:24 pm January 05 2020
“she walks slow, past the reach of home in a Western World, far from the things she knows”- Moments when lyrics stop you in your tracks. Thanks for the moment ‘Future Islands-The Fountain’.
Morning walks alone, but never lonely in the bush forest near home, ‘Sun Forest’ in my ears and all around it seems… fucking gorgeous poetry Mr Nick Cave #Ghosteen
Were you on the inside, or were you on the outside, or were you like a window pane who at the same time could be both?
to make a shroud for eternal sleep.
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